速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Internet Radio Player Recorder

Internet Radio Player Recorder





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖1)-速報App

Features overview:

- You can listen to or record from any radio station(streaming address).

- There are radio stations inbuilt in application, more than 10 thousands sorted by languages, they are imported from outside source, their number grows by the day.

- You can add custom radio stations to play list from files(multiple addresses in one file supported), possible file formats: .pls, .ram, .asx, .qtl; or add radio station directly by stream address.

- Information about radio station are loaded automatically and can be refreshed or edited manually in play list.

- Play list is divided into two tabs: normal and favorites and has sophisticated collection functions: searching, sorting.

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖2)-速報App

- Player has inbuilt browser(can be turned off in settings), which allow to visit homepage or see lyrics of currently playing song.

- Sleeper, You can set time after which application will shut-down.

- Scheduler, You can schedule recording to start and stop at specified time.

- Older devices, lower than android 5.0 can use lock screen player(can be turned off in settings).

- As of now application is add free.

In-depth features:

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖3)-速報App


- Intelligent recording – recorded stream is automatically cut into named files, files are named after song's title obtained from radio station.

- Recording is independent from playing, You can record different station than the one currently playing.

- You can save into directories named after radio stations(this can be turned off), which will make your recording folder neater.

- On default(this can be turned off) timestamps are added to recorded files names, to prevent from overwriting songs.

Play list:

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖4)-速報App

- Sorting:

- By name

- By genres

- By quality

- By date modified

- Searching can be adjusted.

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖5)-速報App

- In-depth information about radio station can be seen by clicking on info button, it will automatically refresh radio attributes.


- Done by service working in background, it uses default android components. I saw some radio stations, which were record-able(recording was completely written by me) but not playable, if time allows I will look into it.

- Stop playing when someone is calling or You plug off headphones.

Few words from author:

- Please rate my application if You find it helpful, any rating is welcome if it's constructive – 3 star and lower without reasons only make me disheartened.

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖6)-速報App

- Share application if You can, higher interest in application will make me work on it more.

- Mind it, that this is solo project and as of now it's completely non profit, so only above 2 reasons keep me working on it.

Internet Radio Player Recorder(圖7)-速報App